How to write employee payroll memos

The Employee Memo tool is a great asset for reminders when it comes time to enter your payroll.

  1. Select the employee you would like to edit under Manage Employees > Employee Center in the HR Admin
  2. Navigate to their Employee Memo
  3. You will see any current memo on the employee’s profile
  4. To input a new memo, select the Memo box and then type in your new message. In this example, a reminder for entering in a rate change was
  5. Once the message is complete, check the Show in Pay Entry box so this will appear as a pop-up message in the Once finished, select Save.



7. In your next payroll, this message will now appear when you are on the employee’s check. 


8. You will notice there is an Employee Memo message (highlighted above), which also indicates that there is a memo set up for this employee. This message will appear every time you navigate to the employee’s check. Only admin users/users with access to the payroll will see this The employee will not see this message.

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