Can I make certain Onboarding fields required?

This article reviews which Onboarding fields can be made required.

You can choose to make certain information required in Onboarding. This means that new hires must complete that information while making their way through your organization's Onboarding portal.

Documents and Direct Deposit

For making documents and direct deposits required, you'll notice two checkbox selections on the "Onboarding Templates" screen:

1. Require All Documents to be signed before submitting: selecting this option will require that an employee sign all onboarding documents before that employee can complete onboarding.

2. Require at least one Direct Deposit to be entered: selecting this option will require that an employee enter at least one direct deposit account with 100% of their pay going into that account.

Once set on the template, these onboarding requirements can be adjusted for individual employees as needed.



For making certain demographics required, you'll see a section called "Demographics" on the "Onboarding Templates" screen. This section lists the following fields:

  • Middle name
  • Marital status
  • Ethnicity/race
  • Primary language
  • Gender
  • Home phone
  • Cell phone
  • Work email
  • Personal email

Selecting the checkbox to the left of any of these fields will require that an employee fill out those fields during onboarding. Once set on the template, these onboarding requirements can be adjusted for individual employees as needed.


Video tutorial

Please watch our video tutorial, "Onboarding Required Fields," for more information on making certain information required in Onboarding.